MINNEAPOLIS, November 28, 2017 -- Argos Risk, specialists in providing Third-Party Risk Management services for managing and monitoring B2B health and credit risk, is pleased to announce they were included in this year’s Forrester Research report. Forrester is highly respected and provides comprehensive research and insights. A few of the previous research documents included Assess Your GRC Program with Forrester’s GRC Maturity Model and The Forrester Wave: Digital Risk Monitoring.
"We are very excited about the opportunity to be included in their recent publication addressing Third-Party Risk Intelligence (TPRI). Their extensive research provides immense value and points out the market volatility, increased cyber threats, and external non-financial factors forces risk professionals to manage third-party risk at a whole new level,” said Lori Frank, Argos Risk President and CEO.
Frank continues, “As trends continue and businesses need better third-party risk context faster, demand for our services continues to increase.” Third-Party Risk Intelligence (TPRI) solutions go beyond internal assessments and fill the gaps with external information including in-depth environmental and market factors which are updated in real-time.
About Argos Risk
Argos Risk, based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, specializes in Third-Party Risk Management services. The company's web-based technology services assess the credit risk and B2B health of clients, vendors, partners, and competitors. Powered by their proprietary algorithms, known as Argonomics™, their services deliver data via a real-time dashboard and daily alerts. Argos Risk monitors thousands of companies for clients in a broad array of industries including financial institutions, manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers and businesses of all types which enable companies of all sizes to proactively manage and monitor credit risk. For more information, visit www.argosrisk.com.
About Forrester
Forrester offers solutions and design strategies that are customer-led, insights driven, and fast. Their research gives you an insight and framework to win in the age of the customer while their analysts' provide subject-matter expertise and work to create forward-thinking strategies; weigh opportunity against risk; justify decisions; and optimize individual, team, and corporate performance. For more information, visit www.forrester.com.