“The FBI is on Line 2”
MINNEAPOLIS, MN - April 11, 2019 -- Argos Risk, a leading provider of Third-Party Risk Intelligence solutions, today announced they joined forces with Credit Union National Association (CUNA) to present an eye-opening Webinar on April 24, 2019. CUNA, recognized as the most influential financial services trade association and advocates on behalf of all of America’s credit union will team up with Argos Risk’s Director of Sales and Marketing, Kevin Sasser, and deliver a session entitled “The FBI is on Line 2.”
“We work with numerous credit unions across the U.S. and are excited to present this Webinar to compliance and operations professionals. Despite being an AAP, a former ACH consultant, and author of a pristine 50-page risk policy, I was surprised when my office buzzed me and said “uh, the FBI is on line 2,” said Sasser. As a former executive of a third-party processor, Sasser shares his personal experience of how he and his team unknowingly originated a fraudulent ACH file resulting in testifying on a witness stand in federal court.
With the increasing speed of payments and person-to-person communication being replaced by technology, rates of third-party fraud are expected to skyrocket. This Webinar provides best practices to strengthen your institution’s risk management program and offers insight into how you might avoid becoming a victim of fraud.
Argos Risk serves hundreds of organizations in implementing best practices and third-party risk management strategies. “We hear about an overwhelming amount of compliance challenges and are delighted to work with CUNA. This Webinar will deliver comprehensive information which will allow your business to be proactive versus reactive in risk mitigation,” said Lori Frank, President, and CEO of Argos Risk.
About Argos Risk
Argos Risk is a leading provider of Third-Party Risk Intelligence solutions. Formed in 2010, we are experts in Third-Party Risk Intelligence services to fulfill a need for timely and comprehensive risk mitigation knowledge. Innovative and affordable subscription services help companies manage the risk associated with their third-party relationships; such as Vendor Management, ACH/RDC originators and lending clients – direct and indirect, and Supply Chain Management.
About CUNA
Credit Union National Association (CUNA) is the only national association that advocates on behalf of all of America’s credit unions, which are owned by 115 million consumer members. CUNA, along with its network of affiliated state credit union leagues, delivers unwavering advocacy, continuous professional growth and operational confidence to protect the best interests of all credit unions.
For more information, visit www.cuna.org.
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Argos Risk, LLC.
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E: marketing@argosrisk.com