MINNEAPOLIS, MN, August 21, 2018 - To accommodate our growing Affiliate partnerships and subscriber base, Argos Risk is excited to announce it is moving the corporate headquarters this coming Friday, August 24th.
To ensure all future communications are directed to our new office, please update your records. Effective Monday, August 27, 2018, our new corporate address will be:
One Corporate Center III
7300 Metro Blvd, Suite 360
Edina, MN 55439
Our main phone number, as well as all your Argos Risk contact’s phone numbers, will remain the same. There may be intermittent disruption in our phone service as our phones get transferred to the new location.
In addition, all emails will remain the same and there will be no disruption in email service or access to the system as we make our move.
Please update your records and let us know if you have any questions.
We value our partnership and look forward to continuing to serve you!