MINNEAPOLIS, MN – May 1, 2019 - Argos Risk’s Lori Frank, President and CEO, to present “The Benefits of Third-Party Risk Intelligence (TPRI)” on May 2nd in Brentwood, Tennessee at BusinessManager 2019.
ACES (Annual Continuing Education Seminar) provide financial institutions an opportunity to network, share experiences, and learn from other users. It is a chance to participate in open discussions about risk management and operational best practices. In addition, ACES provides a setting to learn and expand the product knowledge needed to build and enrich a successful BusinessManager program.
“In listening to BusinessManager client testimonials,” said Lori Frank, President and CEO of Argos Risk, “this event started off as an advanced operations seminar and through the years, it has become a must-attend event for the entire BusinessManager team.” Frank added, “We work closely with our partners. Since Argos Risk serves 30+ industries and BusinessManager appeals to numerous industries, we are excited to participate with ProfitStars and the BusinessManager team at this seminar.”
About Argos Risk
Argos Risk is a leading provider of Third-Party Risk Intelligence solutions. Formed in 2010, we are experts in Third-Party Risk Intelligence services to fulfill a need for timely and comprehensive risk mitigation knowledge. Innovative and affordable subscription services help companies manage the risk associated with their third-party relationships; such as Vendor Management, ACH/RDC originators and lending clients – direct and indirect, and Supply Chain Management.
About ProfitStars
As a diverse, global division of Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.®(JHA), ProfitStars® combines JHA’s solid technology background with the latest breakthroughs in six performance-boosting solution groups – Financial performance, Imaging, JHA Payment Solutions, Information Security & Risk Management, Retail Delivery, and Online & Mobile.
For additional information, visit www.profitstars.com.
Media Contact:
Public Relations
Argos Risk, LLC.
T: +1 (952) 446-7582
E: marketing@argosrisk.com