The FBI is on Line 2 & Post-FBI Lessons. The Good, The Bad, and The Reasonably Unattractive Parts of Payments
MINNEAPOLIS, MN - April 29, 2021- Argos Risk, an industry leader of Third-Party Risk Intelligence (TPRI) solutions, today announced Argos Risk’s Director of Strategic Initiatives, Kevin Sasser, will present with NEACH’s Director of Risk and Fraud, Rayleen M. Pirnie, at the Payments Management Conference (PMC 2021) May 10-11, 2021.
PMC 2021 is the region’s most established and respected payments conference and is New England’s headquarters for payment executives and professionals. The platform provides thought-provoking presenters and promises to deliver the most up-to-date information. It is designed to guide attendees with solutions for a reimagined payments space, provide education on the future of payments, and offer insight and opportunities to make an impact today and tomorrow.
“We are excited to present ‘The FBI is on Line 2 - The Good, The Bad, and The Reasonably Unattractive Parts of Payments’ during the May 11th Keynote with Rayleen. It’s a great opportunity to work with our strategic partner and present a high-level real-life story to payments professionals of how a questionable originator defrauded my former company,” said Sasser.
PMC 2021, where payments professionals will gather for a one-of-a-kind virtual conference provides two days filled with education and virtual networking. Pirnie, NEACH’s Director of Risk and Fraud, states “The Keynote, ‘The FBI is on Line 2,' focuses on incorporating and maintaining best practices for payments risk management, while accommodating the needs of commercial client acquisition and retention.” She added, “We look forward to sharing our experiences on the front line of payments today.” A complete agenda for the May conference is available at https://pmc.neach.org/Sessions-Agenda.
For those who want to dig deeper and learn risk mitigation steps to prevent mistakes made by a former payments executive, attend the ‘Post-FBI Lessons, the Danger of Annual Reviews, and The Story of a Used Chevy’ Breakout session,” Sasser said. In this educational session, Sasser will also share current industry trends in small business revenue, steps to take to strengthen payment origination risk mitigation, and lessons you can take away from a car dealership in Texas.
Argos Risk is a leading Third-Party Risk Intelligence solutions provider and trusted by financial institutions and commercial businesses alike. With over ten years of experience in helping organizations mitigate third-party commercial risk, Argos Risk fulfills a need for proven, timely, comprehensive risk mitigation knowledge. To learn more about how Argos Risk’s affordable subscription services effectively manage risk in ACH/RDC Origination, Supply Chain, Vendor Management, and Direct/Indirect Lending third-party commercial relationships, visit www.argosrisk.com.
The New England Automated Clearing House (NEACH) is a non-profit association that helps members originate and receive ACH transactions, and provides products, services, education, and marketing to increase the acceptance, use, and quality of electronic transactions. For more information, visit neach.org.
Media Contacts:
Public Relations
Argos Risk, LLC
T: (952) 446-7582
Rayleen M. Pirnie
T: (781) 321-1011